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Chin liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that typically involves making a small incision to remove the fat cells from beneath the skin and sculpting the chin and neck contour to give a more defined appearance.
The liposuction procedure takes a matter of minutes to complete, and can often boost the confidence of the patient by giving a sharper jawline and slimmer neck.
Many people opt for a double chin surgery or neck lift, but you should discuss with your surgeon the most appropriate options for you.
Chin liposuction is considered a relatively safe surgical procedure but, as with all cosmetic procedures, it has the potential to cause problems. While issues with chin liposuction procedures are rare, it is still vital to understand the risks before you consider or undergo any aesthetic plastic surgery.
In this article, we look at the procedure and how you can take the necessary safety measures to decrease the chances of cosmetic negligence.
If you have suffered from cosmetic negligence, we are here to help. Fill in our online contact form to arrange a call with a member of our team.
Pain, fever and infection are among the most common side effects associated with chin liposuction. Side effects like redness, irritation or pain are normal for this type of procedure and will usually last around a week before healing on their own.
If they have not subsided after this time it is vital that you contact your cosmetic practitioner to arrange a check-up for this.
Signs of problems with chin liposuction procedures include:
All procedures will be different depending on the surgeon and the patient. For example, procedures may involve tightening neck muscles, fat removal of excess fat, and tumescent liposuction.
Issues can happen as a natural result of your body adjusting post-surgery. However, if these symptoms last longer than a week, we advise that you contact your cosmetic surgeon to discuss why your body is not recovering as expected.
There can be many contributing factors that may cause facial liposuction to go wrong. We take a look through the most likely causes below, and provide advice on how to avoid these negative outcomes wherever possible.
If the tools used during the procedure have not been properly sterilised prior to your surgery, the chances of infection are raised significantly. It is of utmost importance that your surgeon has a clean, sterilised practice to operate in.
Underlying medical conditions can weaken your immune system. As your body heals from your procedure, these conditions may complicate the healing process. Conditions that weaken your immune system include:
Talk to your cosmetic practitioner prior to your surgery to discuss whether chin liposuction is appropriate for you.
A negligent cosmetic surgeon may be the reason for chin liposuction going awry. Ensure that your practitioner is a qualified surgeon and is registered with the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) before agreeing to undergo the procedure.
No surgery is completely risk-free, but there are ways to ensure that your procedure is as safe as it can possibly be:
If you have suffered due to negligence on the part of your surgeon, our team is on hand to help. Contact us today for a call with one of our experts on 0808 252 0175, or fill in our online contact form to request a callback.
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