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How Long Do Ears Stay Numb After Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the signs of ageing by tightening the skin and underlying tissues of the face and neck. People often choose this surgery to achieve a more youthful appearance, improve self-esteem and restore confidence. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential side effects, one of which is temporary numbness around the face and ears.

While some numbness is a common and expected part of the recovery process, persistent or unusual face or ear numbness can indicate that something has gone wrong. This blog outlines how long do ears stay numb after facelift surgery and how to identify if further action is needed.

What is facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and tightens the underlying facial muscles to create a smoother and more youthful appearance. It is commonly used to address signs of ageing such as sagging skin, deep facial creases, jowls and loose skin around the neck. These changes often occur due to the natural ageing process, loss of skin elasticity, and the effects of gravity. Facelift surgery aims to restore a more defined facial contour and improve overall facial aesthetics.

For some, facelift surgery is a way to rejuvenate their appearance and regain confidence, especially when non-surgical treatments like fillers or skin tightening procedures are no longer effective. Facelift surgery can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a brow lift, to achieve a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

The procedure typically involves making incisions around the hairline and ears, which allows the surgeon to carefully lift and reposition the skin and underlying tissues. This process not only removes the excess skin but also tightens the deeper structures of the face, providing a more long-lasting and natural-looking result.

How long should I have numbness after a facelift?

Numbness around the ears and face can vary in duration from person to person. It typically results from the temporary disruption of nerve function caused by the surgical incisions. Most people experience some degree of numbness immediately after the procedure, which usually improves as the healing process progresses. A general guideline for expected healing times during facelift recovery is:

Immediate post-operative period (0-2 weeks)

In the first two weeks following facelift surgery, it is quite normal to experience significant numbness around the face and ear lobes. This occurs because the surgical incisions disrupt the small sensory nerves in the skin. During this initial period, patients may also experience tingling sensations as the nerves begin to recover. These sensations can be a positive sign that the nerves are starting to regenerate and re-establish connections with the skin receptors.
It’s important to avoid activities that could aggravate the area, as poor circulation around the surgical site could potentially delay healing. Keeping your head elevated and avoiding excessive movement can help to promote healthy blood flow and reduce swelling, which in turn may aid in the gradual return of sensation. If any areas feel completely numb during this period, this is generally expected and not usually a cause for concern at this stage of recovery.

Short-term recovery (2-6 weeks)

By the second to sixth week, the initial swelling usually begins to subside, and many patients start to notice an improvement in sensation. However, some areas, particularly around the ears and earlobes, may remain numb for a bit longer. This lingering numbness is often due to the time it takes for the nerves to regenerate fully and for normal feeling to return to the skin.
During this phase, it is common to experience intermittent tingling sensations or a gradual return of sensitivity as the skin receptors continue to heal. These sensations indicate that the nerves are regenerating and attempting to restore normal function. If you experience areas that feel completely numb without any signs of improvement, this could suggest that the nerves are taking longer to heal or that there might be an issue with nerve recovery.

Long-term recovery (2-6 months)

Most patients find that numbness resolves completely within two to six months after surgery. During this period, the sensory nerves continue to regenerate, and normal feeling gradually returns to the affected areas. It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as factors such as poor circulation can hinder the healing process and prolong numbness. Activities that promote good circulation, such as gentle exercise and avoiding smoking, can support nerve regeneration.
If you still have persistent numbness around the ears, ear lobe area or face beyond six months, it may indicate nerve damage or other complications. By this stage, the nerves should have largely regenerated, and normal sensation should have returned. If the sensation has not improved significantly, it is advisable to consult a medical professional to assess the situation further. They may suggest treatments or therapies to help improve nerve function and alleviate any remaining symptoms.

What is my surgeon’s duty of care?

Your surgeon has a legal and ethical duty of care to ensure your safety and well-being throughout the entire surgical process, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. This duty of care encompasses all aspects of your treatment, including the performance of the facelift procedure itself and any associated procedures like a neck lift. Here’s what you should expect from your surgeon to minimise the risk of complications, such as prolonged postoperative facial numbness:

Informed consent

Before undergoing a facelift procedure, your surgeon must provide you with comprehensive information about the surgery, including the potential risks and complications. This process, known as informed consent, ensures that you understand what to expect, including the possibility of temporary or even permanent numbness around the face and neck areas. Your surgeon should discuss how the surgery may affect sensitive nerve areas and what the typical recovery process involves, including how long numbness might last.

Proper technique

Surgeons are required to use the appropriate surgical techniques to minimise the risk of nerve damage during the facelift procedure. This is particularly important when working around delicate areas such as the facial nerves and those involved in a neck lift. A skilled surgeon will employ meticulous dissection and careful handling of tissues to protect the nerves that control sensation and movement in the face. This level of precision helps to reduce the chances of complications like postoperative facial numbness, which can occur if nerves are stretched or damaged during surgery.

Post-operative care

Following your facelift procedure, your surgeon’s duty of care extends to providing thorough post-operative support. This includes scheduling regular follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and address any concerns you may have. Effective post-operative care can detect potential issues early, such as prolonged numbness or unusual changes in sensation. During these visits, your surgeon should assess the healing process, provide guidance on managing any discomfort and offer reassurance about normal recovery symptoms like temporary numbness.

Prompt response to complications

If complications arise, your surgeon should respond promptly and appropriately. This includes recognising signs of postoperative facial numbness that may indicate nerve damage or other complications. Your surgeon should not only provide immediate treatment options but also refer you to a specialist if necessary. Timely intervention can help mitigate complications effectively and prevent long-term issues. Failure to address these concerns swiftly and professionally could be considered a breach of duty of care.

Your rights if your surgeon is negligent

If your surgeon fails to meet these standards and you experience prolonged numbness or other complications as a result of negligence, you may have grounds to pursue a claim. This could involve situations where the surgeon did not adequately inform you of the risks, used improper techniques during the facelift or failed to provide adequate post-operative care. Understanding your rights in these circumstances enables you to seek the compensation you deserve for any additional treatment you may need and the impact on your quality of life.

What can I do if my surgeon has been negligent?

If you suspect that your surgeon has been negligent and this has led to prolonged numbness or other complications following your facelift surgery, it’s important to know that your rights and the actions you can take:

Document your symptoms in detail

The first step in building a strong case is to keep a thorough record of your symptoms. Start documenting as soon as you notice any complications, such as prolonged numbness, pain or changes in skin sensitivity. Make detailed notes about which areas are affected, whether it’s the cheeks, jawline, or around the ears, and describe any sensations like tingling or loss of feeling that continue beyond the typical recovery period.
Create a timeline that outlines when each symptom began, how it has changed over time, and how it affects your daily activities. For instance, if numbness around your ears prevents you from wearing earrings comfortably or if you experience discomfort while performing everyday tasks like applying makeup or shaving, these details should be recorded. Taking photographs of the affected areas during different stages of your recovery can also serve as valuable visual evidence. Additionally, maintaining a diary to capture your experiences and emotions can help illustrate the personal impact of the complications.

Seek a second opinion from a qualified medical professional

An independent medical assessment can help confirm whether your symptoms, such as prolonged numbness or nerve damage, are outside the expected outcomes for a facelift procedure. A different surgeon or specialist can provide an objective evaluation of your condition, which can be instrumental in determining whether the complications are due to errors in your original surgery.
When you visit the second medical professional, bring all relevant information, including your medical history, details of the facelift surgery and a description of the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. Their expert evaluation can identify any deviations from the standard of care, which may have contributed to your complications. A detailed report from this evaluation can serve as evidence when building your case, as it provides an expert perspective on the potential causes of your symptoms.

Contact a specialist solicitor experienced in cosmetic surgery claims

These cases can be complex, and having a solicitor with specific expertise in this area ensures that your case is managed with the necessary understanding and skill. A specialist solicitor can evaluate the details of your situation, explain your legal options and guide you on the best course of action based on their experience with similar cases.
During your initial consultation, the solicitor will review the details of your surgery, the symptoms you’ve documented, and the findings from the second medical opinion. They will also explain the legal process, including the types of compensation you might be entitled to, such as costs for corrective surgery, medical expenses, loss of earnings and compensation for the physical and emotional impact of the complications.

Gather all relevant medical records and documentation

This includes pre-operative assessments, consent forms, surgical notes and post-operative care instructions. These documents provide a detailed account of the care you received and can highlight any deviations from standard practices that may support your claim of negligence.
In addition to records from your initial surgeon, gather any documentation from healthcare providers you have consulted for complications or follow-up care. This might include visits to your general practitioner, consultations with other surgeons or treatments received to address the issues caused by the original surgery. Your solicitor will use this information to build a comprehensive case that demonstrates the extent of the harm caused by the negligence.

File a claim with the help of your solicitor

If your solicitor determines there is sufficient evidence of negligence, they will help you file a claim for compensation. This process typically begins with the submission of a formal letter of claim to the responsible party, detailing the nature of the negligence, the injuries you have sustained, and the compensation being sought. The claim may cover various damages, including:

  • Medical expenses: costs associated with additional treatments, corrective surgeries or ongoing medical care required as a result of the complications.

  • Loss of earnings: compensation for any time you have had to take off work due to your recovery or additional treatments required to address the complications.

  • Pain and suffering: compensation for the physical pain, emotional distress and the impact on your quality of life resulting from the complications.

  • Future care needs: if your complications require long-term care or support, your claim may also seek compensation for these future needs.

An experienced solicitor such as Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors will negotiate with the surgeon’s insurance company or legal representatives on your behalf to reach a fair settlement. If an agreement cannot be reached, they will prepare to take your case to court, where they will present your evidence and advocate for your rights. Throughout this process, your solicitor will keep you informed and involved, ensuring that you understand each step and feel supported as you seek justice.

Contact us

Our plastic surgery claims solicitors at Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors can help you to secure the compensation you deserve. We have the specialised knowledge to understand the intricacies of these claims and the legal expertise to navigate the complexities involved. By managing the legal aspects of your facelift compensation claim, we allow you to focus on your recovery.

Call us on 0808 256 1267 or complete our online enquiry form to request a call back.

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Mike Saul


Michael Saul is a partner at Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors, where he brings his extensive specialist legal expertise and passion for helping people to the forefront of his work. With a proven track record of success in cosmetic surgery negligence cases, Michael has dedicated his career to providing clients with the highest level of representation and achieving favourable outcomes.

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