Mike Saul
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More than half of all adolescents who are bullied believe they are victimised due to their appearance, according to an anti-bullying charity.
In its annual report, Ditch the Label surveyed nearly 9,000 adolescents and discovered 52% believed they were bullied because of the way they look. In addition, 55% said they developed depression as a direct result of bullying.
In addition, researchers at Warwick Medical School discovered that more than one in ten children who are bullied want to get cosmetic surgery.
In a survey of around 800 adolescents, Professor Dieter Wolke and his colleagues found that 11.5% of those reporting to have been bullied wanted plastic surgery – compared to just 1% of those unaffected by bullying.
Dr Wolke said, “Being victimised by peers resulted in poor psychological functioning, which increased the desire for cosmetic surgery.”
According to Ditch the Label, children bully their peers for reasons more to do with their home life and personal situation, rather than the victim’s physical appearance.
The charity said, “Many students who bully others do so as a coping mechanism for their own trauma and stressful situations that are not being addressed.”
Due to this, no surgical procedure can guarantee the end to victimisation of a child by a bully.
Wolke and his co-authors say, “The desire for cosmetic surgery in bullied adolescents is immediate and long-lasting.”
Before letting underage patients pursue surgery, Wolfe said, “Cosmetic surgeons should screen candidates for psychological vulnerability and history of bullying.”
By doing this, the root cause of the child’s request for surgery can be addressed before any permanent and potentially life-altering cosmetic procedures are carried out.
In addition, the NHS advises people considering surgery to ask themselves tough questions about their reasons and expectations for surgery, and also suggests speaking to a counsellor first.
Though no cosmetic procedure can guarantee the cessation of a bullying campaign, if your child is determined to go ahead, there is guidance on how to get the best outcome from surgery:
For advice on how to speak to your child if they are being bullied, visit our guide here.
For a full, detailed breakdown on how to find a safe cosmetic surgeon and avoid potential health risks, read our guide here.
If your child decides to undergo a cosmetic surgery or procedure that then goes wrong due to medical negligence, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.
Find out how we can help you today on a no win, no fee basis - get in touch by calling freephone on 0808 256 9318 or complete our online enquiry form to request a call back.
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