Mike Saul
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The recent Save Face & VICE UK Snapchat report into public attitudes towards fillers has revealed some fascinating insights into the way that consumers view and interact with the non-surgical cosmetic industry. Over 60,000 respondents, the majority aged between 13 and 24 years old, answered a survey hosted on Snapchat, which investigated their feelings towards the non-surgical cosmetic procedure industry.
One of the most alarming statistics is that over half (59%) of 51,000 respondents said that they view cosmetic tweakments as comparable to having a haircut or getting a manicure. While there are some very minor risks associated with having a haircut or getting a manicure, there are real and potentially devastating consequences when a non-surgical procedure goes wrong. We believe that people should be made fully aware of the potential risks of cosmetic treatments such as Botox and fillers, and caution about the dangers of viewing these appearance-altering procedures s in the same vein as a haircut. Read more about botox compensation claims here.
Source: VICE
What is clearly evidenced in the report is the normalisation of these kinds of procedures. And with this normalisation comes ‘area trends’, which is the popularity of a specific procedure. In 2018, consumers were vying to achieve fuller lips, as seen on the likes of Kylie Jenner, whereas in 2019, the industry saw a rise in the trend for ‘liquid nose jobs. Practitioners are predicting that jaw and chin fillers will be de rigueur in 2020, as indicated by the launch of Volux, Juvederm’s new product aimed at the lower face.
When we spoke with Ashton Collins, director of Save Face, earlier this she expressed concern about the way in which young people, particularly women, are targeted by posts and adverts promoting cosmetic procedures. To help, we have launched a petition with Save Face to challenge Instagram to do more to protect children from imagery on Instagram that features the effects of a cosmetic procedure.
While there have been some changes to the way in which Instagram regulates this kind of damaging content, there is still a way to go before people are fully protected from time sensitive deals and the unrealistic ideals created by this kind of image. To echo the MPJackie Doyle-Price’s thoughts, “You need to be 18 to get a tattoo or use a sunbed. We should do the same for lip fillers and other cosmetic procedures."
Save Face is a national register of accredited practitioners who have all been inspected by the organisation and meet its set of standards. If you are considering any sort of treatment then you should consult the Save Face register and carry out due diligence check to ensure you are in the best possible hands.
You can read more about the VICE news Fill Me In report here.
The team at Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors are passionate about patients over profits, and want anyone considering a cosmetic procedure to be fully informed and aware of any possible risks related to the procedure. If you have undergone a negligent procedure, our specialist team of medical negligence solicitors operate on a no-win, no-fee basis and can help you claim for compensation.
Get in touch with us today if you have been affected by a negligent cosmetic procedure or surgery. by calling 0808 159 5232, or arrange for us to call you back by using our online contact form.
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